
The Archangel

“Entrust your works to the Lord and your plans will succeed. ” - Proverbs 16:3

“Are you excited?” my friends and family asked. Well, not so much. The thought of being interviewed on Channel 2 does not bring me the warm and fuzzies, even if I am talking about one of my favorite things—St. Michael Academy! Sylvia Castenda, our host, was extremely gracious to our Director of Admissions and me. The whole process took less than one hour and before we knew it we were back in our familiar digs. I can honestly say that I only remember one of the questions she posed, “Well, Williamson County schools are so strong. Why choose St. Michael?” That’s a great question. I know several Williamson County parents have asked me the same thing.

Twenty-four years ago my husband and I made the decision to invest in Catholic education for our growing family. Our eldest daughter was 2 and eligible for our church’s preschool program, Little Saints. Back in the day, families literally camped out in the church atrium (starting at 2

am) to get the important “Little Saints Application.” I remember being 5th in line and worrying that we would not get one of the non-sibling spots in the coveted “Brown Class”. I was sure if this didn’t happen, she would not get into the “big school”, a good Catholic high school, or an elite college. My poor 2 year old was doomed before she even started! When the preschool director arrived at 8 am that morning, she had seven applications for the Brown Class. Sophie was admitted into preschool and the rest is history!

When we decided to invest in Catholic education a quarter century ago, it was because we were looking to partner with a school that would support the traditional values that we were teaching at home. We were looking for an academically rigorous school where our daughters’ potential would be realized. We were looking for a school where our children felt safe. We were looking for a school that cultivated a joy of learning. We were looking for a school where our children would deepen their relationship with God. In short, we were looking for things that could best be found in a Catholic school. Catholic schools are schools for the human person. They are rooted in the deep conviction that Jesus Christ provides the most compelling and authentic example of the realization of the full potential of the human person. He is our best role model and our best teacher. The things that I wanted then are the same things that I want for our future SMA families. To me, these are the things that really matter. I hope you will join us in this journey!

May the Lord richly bless you in the week ahead.

Yours in Christ, Shana Druffner

Sept. 20, 2023


The Joy of Community


Christ Our Protector